Deep Sleep

Scientists aren’t yet sure why music has pain-relieving effects. It may be music’s ability to relax and relieve tension, or to distract from the unpleasantness of physical pain. It may be music’s stimulation of hormones , the emotions and memories music evokes—or all of the above. Watching TV or looking at your phone too close to bed can di

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Music Therapy

As some of the previously discussed research indicates, music can help reduce anxiety in both adults and children before and during medical procedures. Stress causes emotional and psychological pain as well, which music can help alleviate. Scientists believe the effect may result from music actually shifting brain activity away from pain-related co

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Fall Asleep Music

The brain converts these sound waves into electrochemical nerve signals—and this is where sound really strikes a chord. From self-help books to aromatherapy, apps to weighted blankets, we've compiled the 11 best anxiety relief products of 2021. Doctors may refer to the parasympathetic side as “rest and digest,” since it takes care of things w

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Massage Music

The music must be soft, soothing, relaxing, to create a calm atmosphere to nurture their sleeping patterns. The 1998 country song talks of a lover who would rather sacrifice his sleep to watch his partner sleeping and dreaming while pondering what she is dreaming about. Relax Melodies offers an auditory experience designed to calm your mind with ha

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Sleep Sound Library On Spotify

Anyone who sleeps with white noise is likely to tell you they can't fall asleep without it. And when you count up all the apps and white noise machines on the market, it may seem like you've stumbled upon the holy grail of sleeping. Sound machines help many adults and newborn babies sleep better at night, and most studies agree that they're safe (2

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